Teller Report

Kudrin estimated the risks for Russia in the case of new sanctions against banks

4/14/2019, 4:51:26 PM

The head of the Russian Audit Chamber, Alexei Kudrin, assessed the risks for the Russian banking sector in the event of the introduction of sanctions by the US against not one, but several state-owned banks at the same time.

According to Kudrin, the market took minimal risks from the possible imposition of sanctions.

“If this is one bank that is less involved in network programs, then it is practically already“ eaten ”by the market. More than one bank and more systemic banks - of course, the market has not yet responded, ”he told reporters. His words leads RIA News.

At the same time, the head of the Accounting Chamber noted that in the case of sanctions against several banks, “the situation will have to be overestimated.”

“It will be a stronger blow,” Kudrin concluded.

In February, Kudrin warned about the consequences of the new sanctions for the Russian economy.

Also, the Americanist Rafael Orduhanyan, in an interview with Nation News, commented on the bill submitted to the United States Congress on countering the “Russian influence” in Venezuela.