Teller Report

In the State Duma Committee on International Affairs, condoled in connection with the death of Alferov

3/2/2019, 8:58:37 AM

First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs, Dmitry Novikov, in an interview with RT, shared his memories of the Russian physicist-physicist, Nobel laureate Zhores Alferov, who died at the age of 89 in St. Petersburg.

“Zhores Ivanovich was a man widely known in the country and in the world. He will remain with us forever, because many have a personal impression of communicating with this person who is deeply thinking and deeply experienced what is happening in the country. That is why he never gave up his scientific activities, the activities of the organizer of science. At the same time, he entered the political struggle and here his voice, as in science, sounded loud, confident and bright, ”the deputy recalled.

He also noted that Zhores Alferov always sought to protect Russian science, “did it honestly and sincerely.”

“He always worried about the Academy of Sciences, found an opportunity to support us when it was required, including during political battles. We can all be proud to be contemporaries of such a person. Doubly proud of those who could work with him. The best memory of Zhores Ivanovich would be the same attitude towards life, the fate of the country and the people, which he himself followed, ”concluded Novikov.

Nobel laureate Zhores Alferov died on March 2 at the 89th year of his life in St. Petersburg.

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