Teller Report

In the State Duma commented on the project on penalties for refusing to serve people with disabilities

3/22/2019, 12:17:26 PM

Member of the State Duma Committee on State Building and Legislation Igor Lebedev commented on RT to the submission to the State Duma of a draft federal law providing for the introduction of responsibility for the refusal to serve pensioners.

“This bill was urgently needed 15–20 years ago ... We remember a large number of cases of refusal to put such citizens on airplanes due to the fact that for the airline this may entail additional expenses and loss of time. Persons with disabilities and retirees are members of society like everyone else. And they should be treated the same way, if not more respectfully, ”the deputy said.

According to Lebedev, for refusing to serve people with disabilities and retirees, "it is absolutely necessary to apply various penalties."

Earlier in the State Duma a draft federal law was introduced, providing for the introduction of responsibility for the refusal to serve pensioners and disabled people.

For denial of access to goods, works, or services for reasons related to disability, state of health, or age, it is proposed to establish an administrative fine in the amount of 15 thousand to 100 thousand rubles.

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