Teller Report

In the State Department called the condition of "salvation" PRSMD

1/17/2019, 3:42:49 PM

Russia must destroy the 9M729 missile, which is the main condition for the preservation of the INF Treaty. About this in an interview with the newspaper "Kommersant" said the US Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Affairs Andrea Thompson.

According to her, the agreement "is still quite possible to save," and the United States presented Russia with a "list of conditions that must be fulfilled."

“But the Russians themselves know perfectly well what they must do to eliminate the breaches of the treaty they committed: they must destroy the rocket,” the diplomat said.

However, she stressed that modification of the rocket is no longer a solution.

“Our technical experts studied this issue and came to the conclusion that it is unverifiable. The only thing that is verifiable is the destruction of missiles and launchers, ”she explained.

Earlier, Thompson said that the United States would suspend its obligations under the INF Treaty in February, unless the Russian side provides evidence of the implementation of the agreement.

As stated by the Russian Foreign Ministry, Washington’s claims are incorrect and provocative.

On January 15, it became known that Russia had offered the United States a series of measures that would allow obtaining the necessary data on the 9M729 missile to withdraw the US claims.