Teller Report

In the Federation Council assessed the bill on the return of seasonal time transfer

3/20/2019, 5:35:29 PM

Valery Ryazansky, Chairman of the Council of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy, commented on RT for the bill to the State Duma proposing that seasonal time transfer be returned to Russia.

The author of the initiative is a member of the lower house of parliament Andrei Baryshev.

“Such initiatives have been considered before. Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev said that the last time we agree with the proposal to transfer the arrows, and after that we will not take such decisions. That is, winter and summer time are established once and for all, ”explained Ryazansky.

The senator noted that the government "is unlikely to go to the next procedure of change."

“Honestly, we have to make a decision: either we are in the Central European variant of behavior, or we follow the logic that was laid down in how we call it, the last decision in relation to winter and summer time. We agreed at one time that we would not return to this topic any more, ”he concluded.

Earlier in the State Duma a bill was introduced on the return of a seasonal time transfer.

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