Teller Report

In the DPR told about the shootout between the APU and the soldiers of the "Right Sector"

4/14/2019, 5:54:26 PM

In the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic, they talked about the shootout between the Right Sector * and the Ukrainian security forces because of disagreements over the occupied territory.

As the head of the press service of the People's Militia, Daniil Bezsonov, said, the fighters of the Right Sector seized the hotel and entertainment complex Tsarskaya Ohota in Avdeevka without permission from the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

"Clarifying the question of who exactly the territory of the complex belongs to, turned into a clash, both conflicting parties suffered losses," RIA Novosti quotes him.

These losses can be presented as the result of shelling allegedly by the DPR, Bezsonov suggested.

Earlier in the NPT they reported wounding a civilian in the shelling of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

* “The Right Sector” is a Ukrainian association of radical nationalist organizations, recognized as extremist and banned in Russia (decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated 11/17/2014).