Teller Report

Experts: Houthis are cutting all ways to peaceful solution to the crisis

5/1/2019, 10:02:13 PM

The Russian capital Moscow hosted a seminar on Yemen, organized by the Association of Russian Alumni in Yemen in cooperation with the Institute of Russian Orientalism, in which a number of Russian officials, experts, analysts and political research centers participated in order to reach a common vision on the possibility of activating the Russian role in

The Russian capital Moscow hosted a seminar on Yemen, organized by the Association of Russian Alumni in Yemen in cooperation with the Institute of Russian Orientalism, in which a number of Russian officials, experts, analysts and political research centers participated in order to reach a common vision on the possibility of activating the Russian role in the Yemeni crisis. , That the militias of the Houthi coup cut all ways to reach a peaceful solution to the Yemeni crisis, and stressed, according to the portal quoted by the «eye» news, that the suffering of Yemenis and the deterioration of their humanitarian conditions due to the intransigence of the Huthi militias, For peaceful.

The expert at the Center for Islamic and Arab Studies at the Institute of Orientalism, Sergei Seriprov, the importance of Yemen for Russia, noting that the complexity of the Yemeni crisis is caused by several factors internal and regional as a result of Iran's intervention.

"Al-Houthi's militias are constantly trying to break any path leading to a peaceful solution," he said. "The suffering of Yemenis and the deterioration of their humanitarian conditions are due to the intransigence of the Huthi militias and the rejection of peaceful political settlement.

For his part, political science professor Gregory Lukyanov explained that it is possible that Moscow will play the role of assistant to all regional parties and international organizations, especially the United Nations, to create the conditions that will lead to direct dialogues that ultimately contribute to solving the Yemeni crisis.

"The solution in Yemen needs to crystallize a national project and a government capable of stopping the militias of the coup," said Ali al-Bekhiti, a member of the Yemeni dialogue conference.

"The Yemeni people are paying for the political absurdity of the Iranian-backed Houthi militias," he said, calling on the United Nations not to treat the militias as a political party, because the Houthis are a terrorist party in the conflict and do not believe in politics but seek to reach their own agenda backed by Tehran.

He added that the Houthi militias are dealing in Sana'a with the utmost brutality and violation of the right of Yemenis, just as Iran's regime is ruled by oppression and military force.

"At a seminar we held in Moscow, a reporter asked about the maps of mine cultivation and its numbers. I told him that the Houthis are a gang and not a state. They plant mines and grow tomatoes, without maps or organization, even inside cities and on the roads," he said. They plant mines. "

Sergei Serrybroff:

The complexity of the Yemeni crisis stems from several internal and regional factors as a result of Iran's intervention.