Teller Report

Erdogan to Netanyahu: You are a tyrant who kills Palestinian children

3/13/2019, 7:06:37 PM

Tension between Turkey and Israel escalated Wednesday, as Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of being "a tyrant who kills children" after he described him as a "dictator." Turkish Foreign Minister Mouloud Gawishoglu said Netanyahu wanted to divert attention from charges Corruption.

"You are the oppressor who kills Palestinian children when they are seven years old, and women and thousands of people are arrested," Erdogan said during a gathering in Ankara. Young and old in cells ".

Erdogan also accused Netanyahu of targeting him in social networking sites with the aim of investing in the upcoming elections instead of preventing injustice to Muslims. He sarcastically said he would not weigh the "Fedayeen of social networking sites."

"We have not accuse any Jew and we are not used to any synagogue in Turkey, so do not provoke us because we are proud of ourselves from such practices and we will hold you accountable to the international community," Erdogan said.

"No one can forget us about the issue of Jerusalem, as long as this nation is on its feet," he said. "We will find them in every attack against our blessed mosque. We will not remain silent with our people even if everyone is silent."

Erdogan announced that he had issued instructions to the foreign minister, who continues his deliberations with the international community on the issue of Jerusalem, stressing that his country will not accept the desecration of Al Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock with shoes.

Javishoglu accuses the Muslim world of silence because it fears Israel and the United States (European)

Corruption charges
"Netanyahu is trying to change the agenda, in a desperate attempt, to cover the charges of corruption and bribery against him," he said in a tweet on Twitter. "Let the Palestinians, he discriminates against the citizens of Israel and incites hatred, it is shameful."

In a speech in the southern Turkish state of Antalya, Gawishoglu said that Netanyahu was attacking Erdogan "because our president criticizes him as the voice of this nation and the president of the Turkish Republic and the head of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. The Israeli prime minister is under interrogation in cases of corruption and bribery."

He also said that Netanyahu was attacking Turkey and the holy places in order to mobilize votes in the upcoming elections in Israel, condemning the silence of the international community and the Muslim world over "Israeli arrogance".

"There are 57 countries that are affiliated with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), why do they keep silent because they do not have a cause like this because they are afraid of Israel and the United States," he said, adding that Turkey is the hope of 1.8 billion Muslims around the world.

"Netanyahu used the words of the dictator against Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and I repeat this word to him, he is more deserving of this status among all the politicians in the world," said Justice and Development Party spokesman Omar Glick at a news conference in Ankara.

"This is an honor for us," he said, adding that the Israeli prime minister was upset by Erdogan's arrival in power in Turkey through democratic elections and his defense of the oppressed in Palestine.

Glick said that Netanyahu made a statement a few days ago that may be recorded in the record of the most racist statements, saying that "Israel is not for everyone who lives in it, but a country for Jews only."

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