Teller Report

Emmanuel Macron reaffirms the commitment of the French army in the Sahel and Syria

1/17/2019, 10:03:44 PM

Emmanuel Macron was presenting his army vows on Thursday at a military base near Toulouse. He said & oacute; France remained engaged in the fight against terrorism in the Sahel and in the stabilization of ...

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Emmanuel Macron during his vows to the army, January 17, 2019 in Francazal. Guillaume Horcajuelo / Pool via Reuters

Emmanuel Macron presented his wishes to the armies on Thursday at a military base near Toulouse. He said France remained committed to the fight against terrorism in the Sahel and in the stabilization of the Middle East.

From the beginning of his speech, Emmanuel Macron addressed the large military family. The young engaged, the wounded, but also retired army. " Be proud, proud to serve France. Because there is nothing more noble than to serve one's country, one's future. And that there is nothing stronger, more noble, than to fight for the universal values ​​of France. Its universal values ​​that it has defended for so long, "said the head of state.

In the 11th parachute brigade, all welcomed the visit of the President of the Republic. Emmanuel Macron worried about the morale of the soldiers or the deliveries of material. Many young paratroopers were on the tarmac of Francazal. " We are fortunate among paratroopers to command young people who are real reasons for hope for our country. Our soldiers are proud to serve at paras. And they are proud, especially because they are aware of belonging to a population that loves the effort, "says Colonel Bertrand Debray, commander of the 8th RPIMa (regiment of paratroopers of marine infantry) in Castres.

In his vows, Emmanuel Macron returned to France's external commitments and recalled that France would conduct its operations in the Sahel " in the long term ". " We will not falter ," he said, wishing to reassure African partners in France.

Many soldiers met Thursday in Toulouse will join the ranks of Operation Barkhane, said the president. But " our first ambition is to bring the African armies to a level allowing them to repel the jihadists, " he recalled, before mentioning the rise of the joint G5 Sahel Force. " The coming weeks will be decisive, " said Emmanuel Macron. The Head of State presented the strategy of France which is based on a "new way of making war" by associating in an unprecedented way the efforts of defense, the efforts of development and the diplomatic efforts ".

Regarding finally the fight against the organization Islamic State in the Middle East, " any haste to withdraw would be a mistake, " said the head of state. " The fight is not over ." The coming weeks and months will be decisive because " we want to win this war against Da'esh ". France will remain engaged this year in the Levant, but " we will adapt our device, " concluded the president.