Teller Report

Dictator with a new title: Kim Jong Un is now called "Representative of the whole of Korea"

4/14/2019, 3:12:31 PM

Rulers of the Kim Dynasty are known for uniting several titles. Now North Korea's dictator Kim Jong Un has gained another.

Another title for Kim Jong Un: In the state media of North Korea, the ruler is now also called "supreme representative of the whole Korean people". According to observers for the neighboring country South Korea, which wants to continue the rapprochement, this name could become a problem.

"The claim to be the leader of all Koreans actually corresponds to the long-term goal of Kim Jong Us to achieve the reunification of the Korean peninsula under his leadership," commented North Korea expert RĂ¼diger Frank of the University of Vienna on the news site "38 North" of the US-Korea Institute.

The rulers of the Kim Dynasty are known for bringing together several titles that symbolically emphasize their outstanding position. However, Kim Jong Un now wears a title that did not exist in the dynasty.

Grandfather Kim Il Sung is called "eternal president"

In April 2016, the new title of party chairman was created for him. Kim was the first party secretary before party leader. His father, who died in late 2011, is titled "Eternal Secretary-General," and his grandfather Kim Il Sung the title of "Eternal President."

Kim's new title first appeared publicly in reports of the two-day meeting of the newly elected Supreme People's Assembly in Pyongyang on Thursday and Friday. Since then, the name has been mentioned several times in the media.

Kim's new deputy, Choe Ryong Hae, has proposed reelecting Kim as chairman. According to this, Kim also holds the post of supreme representative of the entire Korean people and the supreme leader of the republic (North Korea).

It was unclear at first whether Kim, whose age is estimated at 35 years, the title was also awarded by constitutional amendment. A change in the socialist constitution was announced in addition to the re-election of Kim, the new appointments in the leadership and budget issues as a program point of the parliamentary session.

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