Teller Report

Denmark: Aarhus wants to introduce Viking traffic light male

3/7/2019, 2:07:58 PM

Tourist Viking locations are many in Denmark. But on the roadside you can not see the Nordic Sea Warriors anymore. However, that could change soon - at least in Aarhus.

You have to stand by the red Viking, and by the green you can go: In Aarhus, Denmark, the idea arose of exchanging the traffic light males in certain districts for illustrations of historical ancestors.

City Councilor Bünyamin Simsek, responsible for technology and the environment, explains on the city's website that the Viking traffic light signs should point to the importance of Aarhus during the Viking Age.

Many streets in the center are still in the same place as in the 10th century, which is unique for a Danish city. The Viking males are also to be installed at these historic locations.

While ideas about gender-neutral traffic light signs are being pursued in various European cities, Simsek is concerned with the history of Aarhus. "We want to tell the forgotten stories and portray Aarhus as the Viking City that we are."

Aarhus Municipality

Red Traffic Light Viking

With a limited budget, this could create real added value for both tourists and residents of Aarhus. However, according to a city spokesman, this idea must first be approved by the city council.

Aarhus is not the first city that wants to equip some of its traffic lights with new symbols. In 2015, the city of Vienna had the idea of ​​making a mark in terms of love. Couples in red and green were supposed to join the classic traffic light males back then - gays, lesbians and heterosexuals.