Teller Report

Continuation of dust winds until Monday .. The temperature drop 10 degrees

1/17/2019, 10:11:28 PM

The National Meteorological Center predicted that today's weather would be dusty and dusty, and partly cloudy in general, pointing to a significant drop in temperature. Winds would be dusty and dusty in some open areas.

The National Meteorological Center (NMC) predicted that today's weather would be dusty and dusty, and partly cloudy in general, pointing to a significant drop in temperature, with wind blowing dust and dust on some exposed inland areas.

The center reported that the wind will be north-west, active and fast to sometimes strong, ranging from 30 to 40 kilometers per hour, up to 60 km per hour on the sea, which is turbulent to the extreme turbulence in the Arabian Gulf, and turbulent wave in the Sea of ​​Oman.

Most of the country's areas were affected by dust winds coming from Iraq and Kuwait, which began yesterday evening in the western regions. The strong northern winds, which increased at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour and were loaded with dust and dust, reached 60 kilometers per hour on the sea. At a temperature drop of about 10 degrees Celsius.

The center attributed the causes of these dust winds to the extension of surface air altitude in the upper atmosphere on the center and north of the Arabian Peninsula, accompanied by a low surface air in the upper atmosphere on the Arabian Gulf, which led to increased activity of the Northwest Wind.

He explained that tomorrow will see a partially cloudy weather sometimes cloudy and mild daytime heat, and cool to the relative cold at night, pointing to the continuation of the North-West wind active speed and sometimes strong on the sea, which are exciting dust and dust on the exposed areas.

He said the winds were northwesterly at speeds of up to 55 kilometers per hour on the sea, which remains turbulent to the turbulence of the Arabian Gulf and turbulent in the Sea of ​​Oman.

The Sunday weather is humid in the morning, sometimes becoming partly cloudy, while the winds remain northwesterly active and sometimes strong on the sea, the center said. It remains dusty and dusty in open areas, and remains turbulent at times in the Arabian Gulf and turbulent in the Sea of ​​Oman.

The center expected the weather to be wet in the morning, with the possibility of mild fog on some areas of the interior, become partially cloudy, and remains dusty and some dust on the interior of the day.