Teller Report

Christophe Hondelatte: Azouz Begag: a French story - #REDIFF

4/7/2019, 3:09:27 PM

Back on the info by the narration. A new and different way to approach the recent news, while passing by the Hondelatte fashion story. A fact of actu - affair, scandal, political soap opera, news - recounted and told, before being dissected by Christophe and his expert guests. This is, every evening, another look at the news.

Back on the info by the narration. A new and different way to approach the recent news, while passing by the Hondelatte fashion story. A fact of actu - affair, scandal, political soap opera, news - recounted and told, before being dissected by Christophe and his expert guests. This is, every evening, another look at the news.

Today, I'm telling you about the childhood of former Minister Azouz Begag, inspired by the book he published more than 30 years ago at the Threshold "The Chaâba's Gone" that you will find today in the Point-Virgule collection. Azouz Begag grew up in the 1960s in a slum called Chaâba in Villeurbanne near Lyon. At the age of 8 to help his parents, he was the handyman in the markets against the advice of his father who said: "I work for you, I would die if necessary. But I do not want you to be what I am, a poor worker. " After a lesson in morality at school, he decides to be a model student, to extricate himself from his destiny and to sit at the top rank of his class ...

Guest: Azouz Begag , author of "Mémoires au soleil" (Editions du Seuil) which is available today.