Teller Report

Berlusconi in the nursing home: tear jokes and talk about football

1/17/2019, 4:24:43 PM

Silvio Berlusconi's social service in the retirement home is like an entertainment show: lots of cameras and senile extras, giving the ex-prime minister the opportunity to campaign and present themselves. "Very intense hours," the Cavaliere whispered.

Milan - Nobody had seriously expected to see a repentant Silvio Berlusconi performing his court-ordered social service in a retirement home. And so the Italian ex-premier appeared as usual in front of the residence Sacra Famiglia in Cesano Boscone near Milan: The paparazzi were there, the television, a private security service and police forces.

In the blue jacket over the thin sweater, the face made up and the hair perfectly shaped as always, the Medienzar presented itself on Friday the cameras. At the lapel he wore a pin with the emblem of his party Forza Italia - after all, is European election campaign.

Once a week, the 77-year-old has to face the home and spend four hours with Alzheimer's patients. With the social service, he delivers his one-year sentence for tax fraud.

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Italy: Berlusconi in the punitive service

"What impressed me most was the dedication of the people who work with the Alzheimer's patients," Berlusconi whispered afterwards. "Ore intensissime", "very intense hours" he spent with the residents. "I've done a lot of jokes, we talked a lot about AC Milan," he said.

"There were more staff and certainly more relatives than usual," said a relative. For the arrival of the illustrious "guest" the security measures had been increased. "For us this is a celebration," the residents should have unanimously stressed.

The middle-right politician should be slowly introduced to dealing with the patients, under the constant supervision of caregivers. His duties are likely to help people read or do motor exercises after breakfast. Berlusconi is not used in the field of entertainment - a pity, he would be predestined with his past as a singer in nightclubs and on cruise ships for such a task.

"Haltless judgment"

Even if Berlusconi is used to being relaxed, he has to pay attention to the legal requirements. Although he may stay in Rome from Tuesday to Thursday, otherwise leave his home region only after prior approval. The time of at least the nocturnal Bunga Bunga parties is over: Between 23 and 6 o'clock the ex-premier must stay at home. Berlusconi was sentenced to four years imprisonment in the Mediaset trial for tax fraud last August, but the sentence was shortened due to an amnesty regime. Berlusconi does not have to go to jail anymore because of his old age.

Although it seems as if the former Prime Minister has joined in his fate - as an insult and injustice he continues to feel the sentence imposed on him. He said to TV broadcaster Telelombardia: "The court has made a baseless political ruling against which I have filed an objection before the European Court of Human Rights and will file for retrial before the Higher Regional Court in Brescia."

For his party Forza Italia, the chairman Berlusconi is currently leading the European election campaign. Although he can no longer even run because of his final conviction - he will stay out of the political life so far from it. According to polls, Forza Italia currently holds 17.5% to 19.5% of the vote, well behind the Democratic Party (PD) of Prime Minister Matteo Renzi.

Berlusconi himself did not yet know what he would do on his upcoming visit, but said he would like to make his "experience as an entrepreneur" available. There should also be gifts for the Alzheimer's patients. "Next time, I bring watches from Milan," he promised.