Teller Report

Bee Park in Hatta .. City of Honey and «Queens»

1/18/2019, 10:10:18 PM

The Bee Park is the first park of its kind in the Middle East. The park was established in the Hatta area of ​​Dubai with an area of ​​about 16,000 square meters with the support of the Mohammed Bin Rashid Establishment for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises. Located between the mountains and farms is a natural home for more than 100 a

The Bee Park is the first park of its kind in the Middle East. The park was established in the Hatta area of ​​Dubai with an area of ​​about 16,000 square meters with the support of the Mohammed Bin Rashid Establishment for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises. Located between the mountains and farms, a natural habitat of over 100,000 bees that began with 10 cells nine years ago, it has now flourished to include more than 3,000 cells along the park. The first city of honey and natural bees is being set up in a year and a half to make the UAE a global hub in the production of high quality natural honey.


A queen born


With specialists.


Cell on the stretch

Garden Area.

The park is an educational and recreational site that supports ecotourism and focuses on the food security and sustainability of the bee sector in the country. It includes a training institute for professional beekeepers and amateurs to introduce them to the honey bee culture. It also allows the public to learn about bee-keeping and contribute to the definition of the role of bees in the environment. And how to collect honey, and the most important Emirati trees producing honey such as sardar, samer and Ghaf.

The purpose of the park is to introduce the public to honey, its varieties and varieties, and how to produce honey and its derivatives. The idea of ​​the park was to raise awareness among the public of different nationalities, change their thinking and spread the culture of productivity, The development of the agricultural sector in the country and how to raise larvae from childhood to become a large queen in the cell and ways of producing royal food, and educate generations in the management of the dead.

Love of nature

His passion for mountainous nature led him to the idea of ​​creating the largest honey and honey garden in the Middle East, whose idea came from the growing public questions about what honey is and how it is made and produced, which led him to consider establishing this garden to introduce honey, Honey.

"The Beehive produces many species and not one such thing as it is today. The cell produces several forms, such as honey, pollen, and propylase," said Al-Kaabi, general manager of ANH Group. The black glue is collected by bees from trees and is considered a natural antibiotic for humans, and also produces a kind of bee venom and wax.

Al-Kaabi explained that "one of the most difficult challenges he faced during his long years with bees is the death of cells due to heat and lack of pasture, in addition to the problem of spraying pesticides, but with the development we have developed innovative products in the bee sector for sustainability in the country."

"The lack of awareness in the field of beekeeping was the biggest challenge we faced, which led to the death of the cell. We were entering the season with 3,000 cells, so we died and we lost large sums of money. We contacted specialized organizations and institutions in Europe, America, Russia and Australia and we looked for solutions and alternatives to sustainability. Bees, using scientific food alternatives ».


Al Kaabi aspires to establish the first city of honey and natural bees, which will be launched in a year and a half, to make the UAE a global center in the production of high quality natural honey. It will be the first complete bee city on an area of ​​100,000 square meters and the first innovative honey bee, honey and mackerel incubator in the world.

There are several training institutes for amateurs and those who have a desire to learn the art of managing the apes and factories for the manufacturing of honey derivatives such as chocolate with honey, and medicines treated with honey.

The city will include the first veterinary clinic specialized in bees, as well as the first specialized cosmetic center of cosmetics extracted from bees and its derivatives, natural wax and royal jelly, and the first museum to bring together the world's various strains, and the old and modern methods used by the world since the establishment of mankind today and how to bee breeding and breeding Honey.

First Queens

Al-Kaabi revealed the important achievements in the field of bees, saying: "We have completed the first plant for the production of queens at the level of the Arabian Gulf, producing about 100 thousand queen annually with the help of technical specialists and specialized science based on several scientific and agricultural institutes and universities, covering the local markets and the Gulf, The average queen price ranges from about 100 to 200 dirhams. "

Al-Kaabi added that the first breed of the so-called Saskatraz strain, found in America, Canada and the UAE, has been worked by the Canadian Ministry of Agriculture for more than 14 years. It is home to over $ 20 million in Canada and is endowed with high temperatures, , With the ability to collect bees in large quantities, and «incubation» by multiplying eggs when the number of deaths in the cell is higher than the number of births. The Bee Park is an agent for more than 15 European companies, which are issued to government and private departments, farms, senior farmers' farms, and cell supervision to others.

3 types of honey

Al-Kaabi explained to the public about the bee, saying: "It has a stomach for food, another for honey, and three seasons for honey. Emirati trees produce large quantities of honey at certain times of the year, Six months, the Ghaf season from five to seven months and the Sidr season from September to November ».

The majority of Russian and European countries depend on the modern method of pollinating African and other strains in old cells and straw cells, unlike the wild bees in the wild, which are in one disc and produce honey. Honey is tested in specialized technical laboratories to identify the type of honey and whether it is adulterated or original, and make sure it is free of sugars and acidity or not suitable for human consumption.

Honey also cleans itself and is suitable for human consumption and kept at room temperature between 20 and 25 degrees and inside glass packets, because keeping the honey in a wrong way and mis-storage destroys honey enzymes, and putting it in the refrigerator may destroy the enzymes in it.

Tip for the next generation

Al-Kaabi offers several tips for young people preparing to work and enter the market, saying:

«Do not look for a job .. Create a company .. Create jobs», a person must enter in this sector or any commercial sector or professional or specialized serving the country and himself, the UAE facilitated the young people and generations, and provided them with many institutions supporting their projects, Including Sheikh Khalifa Fund, Mohammed Bin Rashid Youth Projects Support, and the National Program for Supporting Small and Medium Enterprises in all forms, whether physical or knowledge, through courses in corporate management, pricing or production.

"The role of young people to feel the spirit of initiative and adventure, and not only depends on the job, but the person must be creative. You will lose the time, you will be put under pressure and effort, and you will do what you will. But in the end you will be harvested. How much of a successful trade in the country is now started with simple things. But today you are a nation and its owners are people of their own status, not only at the level of the state but also worldwide.


About AL ANHB Al-Kaabi said: "A company specialized in the bee, honey, bee-care and environmental tourism sector in the bee sector. It is headed by Sheikh Salem bin Sultan Al Qassimi, Chairman and Official Partner in Beekeeping Sector in the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. , Falls under it a group of companies ».

It is an active member of the World Ephemedia Association, the world's largest honey and honey-based organization, based in Poland, with branches in New Zealand and Australia, more than 16 million members, and a large database of bees and herds worldwide.


In April, under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Presidential Affairs, Al-Kaabi announced the establishment of an exhibition in the exhibition area «Agricultural Innovations Forum» in a pavilion specialized in bees and companies in the bee sector, with strong participation From East Asia, Europe and America with more than 100 international companies.