Teller Report

Be with God, be with you

1/25/2019, 4:45:53 PM

News from the island

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The sea did not abandon the Creator when he was born and threw him into the sea. He entered the house of Pharaoh. He had precedents in victory and support. He did not give up on this position, which the souls of his followers trembled and proved. Al-Kalim. He was the creator when the good thought of the creature was represented in saying: "Strike your stick with the sea, and it was broken, and every difference was like the great tyrant." Poets: 63

With his command, all equations and cosmic laws disappear, a raging sea turns into a road of despair and a fire of rage to cold and peace. They gathered together and ordered Hebron to be thrown into the fire by the order of the Creator of the universes. They stayed for days in the collection of firewood and the management of their plan, caught fire and rose tongues of burning flames, and came to the eyes of people to witness the destruction of their pride by destroying their idols. They planned the laws of the earth and forgot that those laws were placed above seven heavens, and from their position is capable of revoking them whenever he wants and just as he wanted to, he said to the fire, the burning fire, the coldness of the most important characteristic of its characteristics was cold and peace on Hebron, was with his Lord was his Lord with him, , It was proven when asked to him Vthbth God, did not say, "Tnsrwa God help you and stabilize your feet" .

He refused to disappoint the one who stood by his door and hung hope on him, waiting for the vulva from him, and trusting him sincerely, and met with patience.

The darkness of the night is wild and strange, even if you were in your room and among your family, so how about the deep sea? But in the belly of a creature living in darkness? The darkness of three of them converged upon one another, the darkness of a dark night, the darkness of a dark sea, and dark darkness of distress, but no effect of darkness in a heart lit by the light of faith. Lights are always light, Dia does not disappear with the disappearance of its causes, but lasting cause, links not known only from the livelihood and taste of sweetness.

A deep well just to approach him, a terror in the soul, how to fall in it? But how if you fall in the act? But the most beautiful thing in all this is that you are the actor in the hand of the Almighty. He will turn the matter in his wisdom and spread it in the earth with his mercy, defeat today victory tomorrow, and the fall of the throne today extended, a charge followed by the honor of the testimony of the former, and consult the previous prison, and respect for the father saw the light after the darkness of the loss of the son. They were filled with hunger and saw after darkness and the hearts were divided after aggression. It is a decent manna, but it does not disappoint, it gives you what you want and increase, and prevents you from harming you only for the need for you in the consequences of education, education and assignment.

The disease has exhausted the body for years, the weight of the body and is no longer able to move, narrowed the earth as welcomed, avoided by people and avoided his imprisonment because of his illness and the multitude of his words and his asceticism, his wife was dependent on him until she had to sell her two spoons for food. He was amazed at the abundance of food that he brought to him that day and asked her about his source, and revealed her head. Then his Lord called out, "I am a sinner, and you are the most merciful of the merciful. " The Prophets 83. The mercy of the heavens descended on those who were associated with His name with patience . He should not be disappointed by the door and hung the hope of him, waiting for the vulva of him, and trust him sincerely, and meet his fate patiently.

"If someone looks down his feet to see us," the teacher replied, "what do you think of the two of them, the third of them?" He said, "Save God, save you, save God, find Him before you, know God." And I know that the victory with patience, and that the vulva with the distress, and that with difficulty easy. " It is the confidence of the sky and the support of the course of things and the owner of the measure, it is the law of victory and empowerment, the temptation of the fascination and patience and victory Vtmkn, be with God is with you.

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