Teller Report

Augsburg: pediatrician for child sexual abuse sentenced to long imprisonment

1/30/2019, 4:32:01 AM

Because he sexually abused about 20 boys, a pediatrician was convicted in Augsburg - and is believed to be imprisoned for twelve years and nine months. It is not the first judgment in the case.

The Augsburg district court has again made Harry S. a long prison sentence for the sexual abuse of about 20 boys. The guilty verdict was twelve years and nine months in prison.

A first judgment against pediatrician had the Federal Court of Justice overturned, because there were doubts about the debt of the 44-year-olds. S. had already been sentenced to thirteen and a half years in prison, preventive detention and a ban on his profession in March 2016 for his actions. Both ordered the chamber again this time.

Addressed at the playground

The pediatrician had admitted all allegations in the first trial. The man had repeatedly addressed children in Augsburg and Munich on the street or the playground, promised them toys and then abused them in nearby buildings.

The most serious act committed the man in August 2014 in Lower Saxony Garbsen. There, the doctor abducted a five-year-old to his apartment in Hanover, where he worked at the medical school. The man anesthetized the child, went to him and then put out the dazed victim again.