Teller Report

Asang guards reveal his security concerns

4/14/2019, 10:11:28 PM

The Spanish newspaper El Pais quoted former members of Wikileaks founder Julian Assang's security team as saying that maintaining Asang's safety at the Ecuadorian embassy in London was costly and that in 2016, Via a plane from Spain, at a cost of 450

The Spanish newspaper El Pais quoted former members of Wikileaks founder Julian Assang's security team as saying that maintaining Asang's safety at the Ecuadorian embassy in London was costly and that in 2016, Through a plane from Spain, at a cost of $ 4,500, to repair the Asang Toilet, where there were concerns that a "local spacca" may have set up a listening device in the toilet.

Asang, an Australian national who had been barricaded in London for seven years to escape a British arrest warrant on charges of rape and sexual abuse in Sweden, had repeatedly denied them. Last Thursday, he was taken out by the British police after Ecuador overturned his asylum request.

Asang's lawyer, Jennifer Robinson, said her client was willing to cooperate with the Swedish authorities if she asked for his extradition, but priority remained to avoid being deported to the United States.

"If Sweden asks for his deportation, we will certainly ask for the same guarantees we have announced, namely, that Asang should not be handed over to the United States," she said, pointing out that her client had taken refuge in the embassy because of the lack of guarantees.

More than 70 British parliamentarians signed a letter to the British Home Secretary asking him to give priority to a possible deportation request from Sweden. Robinson confirmed that Asang had never been afraid of confronting the British or Swedish courts, and he was still preventing his deportation to the United States.

The lawyer condemned Ecuador's accusations that Assange was guilty of abusive behavior in her embassy in London, denying Ecuador's ambassador to London, Jimmy Marchin, that her client was "drowning in the walls of the embassy."