Teller Report

Airplanes flying to Pulkovo went to alternate aerodromes because of a blizzard

3/2/2019, 7:55:38 PM

Flying to the airport of St. Petersburg Pulkovo four aircraft went to alternate aerodromes in connection with the blizzard and wind. It is reported by the press service of LLC "Air Gate of the Northern Capital" (the management company of Pulkovo Airport).

"Due to the difficult weather conditions - crosswind and strong snowstorms - four aircraft went to alternate aerodromes," - leads RIA News message.

It is clarified that at present the equipment cleans runways, taxiways and aprons from snow.

As noted, Pulkovo Airport is operating normally and is ready to receive and send aircraft.

Earlier in the Leningrad region warned about the deterioration of weather conditions at the weekend. This was reported by