Teller Report

Abdullah bin Zayed: UAE's foreign policy is based on helping the Muslim world

3/1/2019, 10:08:22 PM

His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, affirmed that the UAE looks forward to the OIC having a greater role in maintaining international peace and security and enhancing international regional cooperation so that it can achieve its main objective stipulated in Article

His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, affirmed that the UAE looks forward to the OIC having a greater role in the maintenance of international peace and security and the enhancement of international regional cooperation so that it can achieve its main objective stipulated in Article 1 of its Charter , And stressed that the UAE's foreign policy is based on helping the Islamic world.

"The UAE is honored to host the 46th session of the Council, which coincides with the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC)," he said in his address to the 46th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the OIC Member States. This is an opportunity to reflect on the work of the Organization and its principles. I am confident that these outputs will provide us with tangible results that will enable the Muslim world to overcome its challenges and secure a brighter future for its people. "

"I am delighted to welcome all of you in the capital of Abu Dhabi, which is delighted by this gathering and honor. I would like to thank the friendly Republic of Bangladesh for its leadership of the 45th session and for the valuable efforts and the effective role it played.

"The convening of this session comes at a time when the world is witnessing a number of important regional and international transformations, and we are facing a challenge to keep pace with the aspirations of our peoples and preserve our national security," he said.

He stressed that the Palestinian cause and the issue of Al-Quds Al-Sharif are the ones for which the Organization of Islamic Cooperation was established. "We therefore reaffirm our support and support for the Palestinian people and support their legitimate demands, first and foremost to build an independent state with Jerusalem as its capital, We reaffirm our commitment to the support of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) and the importance of the international community's commitment to the Palestinian cause and the Palestinian refugee issue. "

The UAE believes that the increase in security tensions, especially the continuation of conflicts, the spread of extremist ideology and terrorism in the world by the outlawed groups, has been lost. All the meanings of humanity and covered by the cover of religion and the continuation of interventions in the affairs of States, and the lack of respect for sovereignty, requires us to address these challenges, which caused great damage to the Islamic world and the destruction of the gains and cultural heritage, and opposes the achievement of development that our people aspire to ».

"We call for the adoption of the necessary measures to prevent incitement to terrorism and extremism in all its forms, especially through the media, including the establishment of a mechanism to circulate to our countries to deal with them decisively and to refrain from providing direct and indirect support to entities or persons, Those involved in terrorism and extremism, and not to embrace them or to provide them with safe haven, funding or assistance.

"The UAE has adopted 2019 years of tolerance as part of our efforts to spread a culture of tolerance, peaceful coexistence, respect for cultural and religious pluralism and the promotion of universal values," he said. And Pope Benedict XVI of the Catholic Church, which resulted in the signing of the historic document on February 4 to be a joint declaration of sincere intentions, in order to invite all those who hold in their hearts the belief in God and the brotherhood of humanity to find and work And together to make this document a guide for future generations, and take them to a culture of mutual respect in an atmosphere of recognition of the divine grace that made all creatures a brotherhood ».

"From this rostrum, we reiterate our call to neighboring Iran to reconsider its policy of building friendly relations with neighboring countries based on non-interference in internal affairs and undermining the security of the region by spreading chaos and feeding sectarian and sectarian conflicts and stopping supporting groups that fuel these conflicts, And stop supporting, funding and arming militias and terrorist organizations that clearly violate our Charter, the Charter of the United Nations and noble human values. "

"The deterioration of the economic and social situation is one of the main challenges facing the OIC countries," he said. "The successful experience of the UAE has made us believe that rational leadership and determination to achieve prosperity while looking to the future is what makes the nations immune from wars. That its foreign policy includes developmental, humanitarian and cultural dimensions to assist the countries of the Islamic world and contribute to the achievement of the goals of sustainable development.

"My country aspires to implement the OIC Program of Action until 2025 and priority areas, especially science, technology, innovation, education, renewable energy and health, empowering women and youth and making use of their capacities to reach strong and cohesive societies and thus stable and secure countries."

His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan stressed the need for the Organization to play a greater role in the maintenance of international peace and security and the promotion of international regional cooperation so that it can achieve its main objective stipulated in Article 1 of the Charter of our Organization. The Organization will play a bigger and more effective role, which will strengthen the existing cooperation between the OIC countries and support their role in maintaining peace and security effectively. This requires the speedy taking of steps to reform the Organization and improve its effectiveness, thus enhancing the role of all of us to promote joint Islamic action.

The 46th session of the Council of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the OIC Member States opened with the speech of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh, the Chairman of the 45th Session, Abulkalam Abdulmu'men, in which he expressed his confidence that the UAE, while presiding over the 46th Session of the Council, would strengthen and support the role of the Council.

The inauguration ceremony was attended by the President of Bangladesh, the President of the previous session, and the Chairman of the current session of the Council of Foreign Ministers. The new members of the Council were elected. The UAE was elected as President, Afghanistan, Uganda and Palestine as Vice-Chairmen and Bangladesh as Rapporteur.

For his part, the OIC Secretary-General, Yousuf bin Ahmed Al-Othaimeen, in his speech at the opening session of the Council, congratulated the UAE leadership, government and people for hosting this session, hospitality and good reception.

He said that this meeting is taking place and the UAE concludes its celebrations with the "Year of Zayed." He added: "We are proud of what this inspiring leader has presented to his people and his Islamic nation by establishing this state, uniting its components and laying the foundations for justice and true citizenship values. In all fields, and is firmly and steadily moving towards a more prosperous and progressive future, which has made the UAE experience in development a remarkable example. "

The Secretariat of the Organization was proceeding with a reform process to improve its performance and advancement. "We are working hard to implement the 2025 program to eradicate poverty, terrorism and promote human rights," he said.

He stressed the organization's keenness on the stability of Iraq, and that it is striving to hold another round of the reconstruction conference.

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"We regret the continued Houthi terrorist attacks on legitimacy in Yemen and renew our support for the efforts of the Secretary-General of the United Nations (Martin Griffiths)," said the Saudi Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, To reach a political solution in Yemen ».

He stressed that the Arab Group is steadfast in its position in support of the right of Palestine to establish their independent state on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.

He called for intensified international cooperation to eliminate terrorism and to dry its sources.

He added that Iran continues to intervene in the affairs of states, support terrorism, and continue to occupy the three islands of the United Arab Emirates (Greater Tunb, Lesser Tunb and Abu Musa), adding that we absolutely affirm the sovereignty of the UAE on its three islands. Abu Dhabi and WAM

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The opening session concluded with the guest of honor, India's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sushma Swaraj, who said: "I greet the greetings of one billion and 300 million Indians, including more than 185 million Muslims. Our Muslim brothers and sisters are a wonderful example of India's diversity. "

"2019 is a very special year, as the OIC celebrates its golden Jubilee, the UAE celebrates the Year of Tolerance, and India celebrates the 150th anniversary of the birth of Mahatma Gandhi."

"The UAE has shown how the nation can achieve its great vision, open to the world, embrace technology, invest in human resources, an environment of talent and culture from all over the world, and emphasize the established ties between India, the UAE and the Gulf.

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