Teller Report

A9 in Bavaria: bracket Ferrari driver can not pay fuel bill

2/17/2019, 11:39:39 AM

At a Bavarian rest area, a motorist fueled his Ferrari full. Instead of paying, the owner of the luxury car drove away. The man is obviously in financial need.

His Italian sports car is worth more than 250,000 euros - but the 65-year-old Ferrari driver in Bavaria has not paid a fuel bill of over 130 euros. After he had refueled in the night of Sunday at the Rastanlage Frankenwald near the former inner German border, he drove it with the Ferrari FF 151 just off.

The alarmed police in Upper Franconia positioned themselves with several stripes along the highway 9 - and looked out for the "sinfully expensive vehicle". Near Bayreuth, police pulled the Ferrari driver out of the traffic.

The Ferrari driver may indeed lack the funds to pay the fuel bill. "It gave the impression that nothing exists," said a police spokesman.

Could not pay 10-Euro-Knöllchen

In addition to the fuel bill, there was also an arrest warrant for the man, because he had not paid a fine of ten euros for an administrative offense. Since he could not pay it on the guard, threatened him a day of substitute custody.

Only after a friend in the Lower Saxony Rinteln had paid ten euros for the Ferraris driver, the man from the Swabian Winnenden could leave the police station in Bavaria.

The case is puzzling, said the police spokesman. Because the luxury car had been admitted to the gas station preller, there are no indications of theft.

Since the Ferrari is now no longer insured, the police finally towed the sports car.

The man now has to answer for fraud and driving without insurance coverage.