Teller Report

A rare event .. The Palestinian government re-section because it "forgot the people"

4/14/2019, 1:07:21 PM

Yesterday, members of the new Palestinian government attended the presidential seat and were sworn in before the President. Before they took up their duties legally, they were asked to return to the NATO headquarters for a strange and unusual reason.

It is not a matter of a change in the membership of the government, its political agenda, or even its agenda confusion. It is a rare mistake, and it may not come to the mind of many.

The new Palestinian government, headed by Mohammed Ashtayeh, was scheduled to return to the Palestinian Authority on Sunday afternoon after a debate over the constitutional text of the oath that members swore yesterday.

The spokesman of the Palestinian government Ibrahim Melhem said today that the Prime Minister and members swore oath yesterday without including the phrase "loyalty to the people and his national heritage," which includes the right legal oath.

"I swear by Almighty God to be loyal to the homeland and its sanctities, to the people and its national heritage, to respect the constitutional order and the law, and to take full care of the interests of the Palestinian people," he said.

A number of prominent Palestinian factions have refused to enter the new government, and called for the formation of a national unity government facing the challenges facing the Palestinian cause.