Teller Report

A fighter plane crashed into Tripoli's Haftar forces and quietened the fighting hubs

4/14/2019, 4:57:26 PM

A spokesman for the Libyan army of the government of national accord to drop a plane belonging to the retired Major General Khalifa Hafter south of Tripoli, sources from the city of Gryan that an aerial bombardment of the forces of the Government of the Accord targeted this afternoon camp of the Hafter forces in the city south of the Libyan capital.

Al-Jazeera correspondent in Tripoli Ahmed Khalifa said that the plane, which fell under the command of a brigadier general, survived after using the umbrella. While Hafar's forces spoke of a technical defect that caused the crash, government forces confirmed that the fire hit the plane in the Wadi al-Rabee'a area south of the capital.

Activist pictures showed smoke at the crash site, and the information indicated that the pilot had not been captured.

The plane's downing on the 11th day of the start of the Hafar forces is a military operation to take control of Tripoli, in a move that aroused widespread international condemnation. The move came days before a conference of dialogue was scheduled to begin today, within the UN road map to find a solution to the Libyan crisis.

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Fighting hubs
Al-Jazeera correspondent added that a cautious calm prevails in the fighting on the outskirts of the Libyan capital, as it was limited to mutual air bombardment between the two sides of the conflict in the Valley of the spring, preceded by an air strike of the forces of the reconciliation government on the camp of the eighth force in the city of Gryan of the forces of Haftar.

The German news agency quoted sources at the Gryan hospital that the air bombardment left 14 dead and more than 26 wounded, all of them military.

On Saturday, the internationally recognized government forces made progress in the south and south-west of the capital, as well as south-east.

The correspondent said that the government may want to devote full time to tighten control of the fighting in the south of Tripoli and its south-west before moving to the airport axis, adding that the government of the reconciliation that after the removal of Hafr forces from all administrative borders of the capital will impose a security cordon on Tripoli and then move to the attack on the forces of Hafar In the cities of Greyan and Harouna.

On the other hand, a spokesman for the forces of Hafer that the process, which he called "flood of dignity" to control Tripoli is in accordance with international standards in the fight against terrorism and crime. He said that the battle of Tripoli is directed against the organization of the Islamic state and al-Qaeda, and described by the armed militias that control the capital.

Al-Siraj ordered the release of young people who said they were involved in the current attack on Tripoli (Al-Jazeera)

In a related context, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces Fayez al-Sarraj that he ordered the release of young detainees, and recommended the leadership of the armed forces to treat detainees well, stressing the accountability of those who were involved in the war.

On the other hand, the United Nations and the World Health Organization warned against the continued targeting of civilians and civilian targets such as hospitals and schools in Libya, and warned the UN mission that the bombing of schools, hospitals, ambulances and civilian areas is strictly prohibited in international humanitarian law.