Teller Report

50% Absence in schools because of the rains .. And delayed «messages disabling the study» confuse parents

4/14/2019, 10:11:17 PM

The percentage of absenteeism in public and private schools varied in the state, reaching 50% in schools and not more than 3% in other schools. Parents of students said that their children's schools informed them yesterday morning of disrupting the study through text messages, Especially the workers, demanding a ministry

The percentage of absenteeism in public and private schools varied in the state, reaching 50% in schools and not more than 3% in other schools. Parents of students said that their children's schools informed them yesterday morning of disrupting the study through text messages, Especially the workers, demanding that the Ministry of Education should be the decision to disrupt the study of any circumstance issued by the school principals.

The school administrators attributed the absence to different reasons, including the bad weather, and the weather in the country since the evening of yesterday evening, in addition to the beginning of each semester, schools are absent at different rates.

In Dubai, Shadi Abdel Hamid, Noura Khaled and Shaima Farouk, parents of students, confirmed that they had received text messages from their children's schools informing them of the disruption of their studies yesterday, while other schools asked students to attend their children's reception at 12:30 At noon, before the official date of the end of the school day, which caused the most confusion among families, especially working.

They demanded that the Ministry of Education and the educational authorities in the state should have the decision to suspend the study on any day and any circumstance issued by the school principals. Parents should be informed of this on the day prior to the day of suspension in order to prevent confusion due to conflicting decisions of school principals. Students with the right decision.

According to the Ministry of Education, in a tweet on Twitter, «Disruption of school in the event of precipitation based on the status of the school and the situation of roads leading to it, where coordination with the Emirates Transport, giving the authority to school administrators to assess the situation in coordination with school operations .

The Ministry continuously asserts that the safety and security of students and staff in the field of education is a high priority. Parents and students are advised to follow the safety and security standards in the rainy season and authorize school administrations to take the necessary measures.

The director of the school of Abu-Saeed al-Khudri, Ali al-Badwawi, that the attendance rate at the school amounted to more than 96%, and there was no absence of school students except for 24 students living far from school and prevented the valleys from attending, The need to not attend school yesterday, because of the difficulty of access to school, in order to maintain their safety ».

He pointed out that these students will teach the school missed lessons to keep pace with their colleagues in these lessons, because their absence from study was out of their will.

For his part, said the assistant director of a public school, who preferred not to be named: «The percentage of absenteeism in school (yesterday) on the first day of the third semester about 50%», attributed to the conditions of rainy weather, in addition to the beginning of each semester Schools are experiencing varying degrees of absenteeism, so that the study will be organized later, possibly due to the travel of some during the spring vacation period.

Al-Rashed Al-Saleh, the head of Al-Rashid Al-Saleh Private School in Dubai, confirmed that the state of rain in the country yesterday did not affect the attendance of students to school. The weather conditions in Dubai are suitable and not dangerous to their safety. , Which does not exceed 3% among students of different stages of study.

In Abu Dhabi, private and public schools witnessed yesterday an absence rate among students, especially in kindergartens and the first class, ranging from 15% to 25%. The teachers attributed the absence rate on the first day of the third semester to the unstable weather, Families outside the State.

Teachers Noura Fakhri, Maryam Fadl, Iman Mustafa and Sana Hassan confirmed that the students in the first grades of education are the most absent due to the fear of their parents from bad weather, pointing out that the absence ranged between 15 and 25%.

She also called on teachers to take their children to school so that they do not get used to the absence. The absenteeism rate did not affect the educational process. The third semester was taught in accordance with the educational plan adopted at the beginning of the academic year.

While teachers Mohammed Safi, Ahmed Khairi, Imad Nasrallah and Zainab Mohammed pointed out that the absence in the second and third seminars was between 5 and 10%, especially among male students, pointing out that it is a normal percentage that is repeated each year as they return from school holidays.

The teachers stressed that the schools sent during the end of the second week of the spring holiday text messages to the students confirm the start of the third semester on time, and urges them to adhere to the need to attend the students to their classes to follow the teaching of the curriculum so as not to be affected the educational process, which affects the academic level of their children, Pointing out that the students were also alerted during the morning queue of the need to adhere to the attendance until the completion of the curriculum scheduled on time.

They noted that the plan to reduce the absence of students implemented by schools in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi encourages positive behavioral patterns among students.

In Sharjah and Ajman, a number of schools announced the suspension of schools and schools because of bad weather conditions, in order to maintain the safety of students and protect them during this rainy weather experienced by the state. In the early hours of the morning, residents received letters and contacts from the administrations of these schools informing them of the suspension yesterday, for bad weather conditions and for the safety of their children, to resume today.

While some schools in Sharjah and Ajman issued administrative data to disable their administrations by sending messages to suspend the work.

«Education»: Disruption of the study in the event of rainfall based on the status of the school and the situation of roads leading to it.