Teller Report

14 ways to help you get rid of negative thoughts

2/10/2019, 1:04:08 PM

Gillard Sinclair says that negative thoughts are part of our lives, but we should not let them control our thinking and upset our mood. We spend too much time thinking negatively about our lives and our future too much, making it very important to rid ourselves of this negativity.

"When we think in a negative way, we prepare ourselves for failure," Sinclair said in a report published by the US-based Orness Act. "The more we train our minds to think in a positive way, the better.

The author offers some advice that his followers help get rid of negative thoughts, and certainly will make a big difference in one's life:

1. Be nice to yourself

We may sometimes forget how important it is to be as nice to ourselves as we are to others. Do not allow your mind to be harsh with you. If you can not act harshly with others, why should you resist yourself?

2. Find the source of negative thoughts

Identify the source from which negative ideas originate and try to address the issue at its root. Do not allow anyone to be the source of these ideas, and if anyone influences how you think about a particular topic, be sure to re-evaluate it yourself.

3. Talk to someone who cares about you

If you are upset about something, talking to people who care about you is very important. Those who love you will advise you and help you overcome the difficult situations you face in life.

4. Get rid of those who feel bad about yourself

The writer believes that you have to keep the passive from your life, you should not be surrounded by those who wish to see you fail. If someone tells you that you are worthless or not good enough, it does not deserve to be in your life.

5. Look for another outlet to express your pain

Sometimes, hobby practice can help us express what is inside us more than we think, so look for a hobby you want to practice so you can express yourself. It's easier than you think and will be very helpful.

6. Rest when you feel you need it

The writer called for avoiding excessive work, and if you want to take a break do not be shy to ask for it. Remember that you will not be able to do anything if your health is disturbed, so your interest in yourself is very important.

Listening to music raises morale and feels better (Anatolia)

7. Listen to music that makes your mood good

The writer pointed out that music is one of the most influential things in our lives, so listen to music that elevates your spirits and makes you feel better, and avoid the frustrating songs that make you feel upset.

8. Address yourself positively

If you notice that you are thinking negatively or describe what you are doing or what you have done, you have to get rid of these ideas. Instead, talk positively to yourself. This will help you to have a positive view of yourself over time.

9. Change the language of your body

The writer stressed that you should monitor yourself to determine how your body speaks about you. Do you think you are always laziness or frown? If you really are, you should actively stand and smile instead, and these details will change the way you think about the best over time.

10. Write your negative thoughts on the paper and then rip them

It's good to devote enough time to write down your negative thoughts in a paper, then rip them and toss them into the trash, you're really doing your best and that's what matters.

11. Try "meditation"

The author explained that some people think that meditation is ridiculous, but it is one of the most important practices that must be added to our daily lives, through a few minutes of relaxation daily. In fact, getting rid of disturbing thoughts gives you a sense of comfort, and meditation can benefit you a lot.

12. Take care of your body

It is important to make a decision to abstain from eating junk food and to exercise. The more you take care of your body, the better you will feel, a change worth striving for.

13. Do not allow others to abuse you

It is necessary to address anything that immediately bothers you, including not allowing others to infringe upon your dignity, you are in control of your destiny and no one else is you.

14. Learn to say the word "no"

The writer pointed out that you should not be fooled by the need to do things you do not have to do, or perhaps you can not do, there are limits to your ability and must not exceed them to satisfy others.