Teller Report

#FridaysForFuture: Students strike nationwide for climate protection

1/18/2019, 10:46:00 AM

Fewer greenhouse gases, less global warming: In this morning, children and young people in more than 50 German cities and throughout Europe dance their lessons to demonstrate for climate protection.

In dozens of German cities, students for climate protection are demonstrating this morning. Under the motto #FridaysForFuture, children and adolescents all over Germany gathered to signal against greenhouse gas emissions and the mining of coal, oil and gas.

At #FridaysforFuture in Hamburg, several hundred pupils have been standing in front of the town hall at -2 degrees for two hours. So much for "they just want to skip school". Krass. #these guys people

- Jan Petter (@lepettre) 18 January 2019

The website of the organizers lists more than 50 German cities where demos were planned this Friday.

Already on Thursday, several thousand students took to the streets in Brussels, Belgium, for climate protection. They called for a climate plan with the aim of limiting global warming to less than 1.5 degrees compared to pre-industrial times.

12,500 children and adolescents participated, according to the Belga news agency. The demo was organized by the organization Youth Climate Movement and was the second edition of the march in Brussels. The first time, 3000 students had participated.

The student strikes go back to the Swedish student Greta Thunberg, who skips school for months on Friday to fight for climate protection. Little by little, more and more young people joined her. Before Christmas, there were already, among others

in Cologne, Hamburg, Munich, Aachen, Karlsruhe and Osnabrück protests in front of the town halls.

more on the subject

Global Climate CrisisGretas Uprising

Protests are also planned for next Friday. Then the coal commission meets in Berlin to talk about the exit from coal mining. The organizers of #FridaysForFuture have called for a strike before the Federal Ministry of Economics to demand the fastest possible coal exit. Buses were planned from many cities, it said.