Teller Report

«Kuma» .. Syrians in the drama of love and alienation

2/17/2019, 10:11:40 PM

Abu Dhabi Media Company (ADNEC), the Abu Dhabi Media Company (ADNEC), launched the Syrian social drama "Kuma" on Abu Dhabi TV at 11 pm every Sunday through Wednesday. The show is part of the new program that was launched recently S

Abu Dhabi Media Channel (ADNEC), the Abu Dhabi Media Company (ADMC), began to feature the Syrian social drama "Kuma" on Abu Dhabi TV at 11pm every Sunday through Wednesday.

The show is part of a new program that has recently been launched across Abu Dhabi TV channels and includes a series of Arab dramas that are popular with the audience in the region, in line with Abu Dhabi Media's objectives to provide meaningful entertainment content that matches the values ​​of society. Arab and the preferences of different segments of society.

The series takes place in Syria and the UAE between 2015 and 2016, and chronicles the lives of a group of young people and families in light of the ongoing war in Syria, where some of them live in Damascus and the other in the UAE and monitor the difficulties they face either inside Syria or in the countries where they live or emigrated .

The link between the two countries is made up of two twin brothers, the first living in Syria and the other in Abu Dhabi, highlighting the repercussions of the war on the young generation and the Syrian reality in general, as well as emotional relationships and love stories that arise during the war.

The series includes a number of key figures, including Aram, who is involved in the life of crime, a state of conflict between passion and crime, and the characters of Gouri and Khuzama, the sisters who live in a state of hostility in a scene free of tension and challenges. And passion at the end.

In addition, the series includes the character of "Zeina", which enters into difficult psychological experiments, in which the drug is used and the problem is exacerbated with the use of pills made by Aram, and serve as the victim and the offering of the love that wins the crime, along with the figure of "Talal" killer with cold nerves Which is intersecting with Aram in the construction of the drug factory and the rise of more conflicts, and the character of the birth of the genius pharmacist in the production of grain, and the character of Abu Zeina, the big trader with a harsh background and involved in the drug trade. A war is raging between him and Aram, With one of his aides.

Participating in the series are a group of Syrian stars, including Maxim Khalil, Karis Bashar, Safa Sultan, Dimima El Gendi, Maram Ali, Widema Biya, Andriy Skaf, Youssef Haddad, Raoua Yassin, Mohamed Zerzour, Shadi El Safadi, Yara Kassem, Nora El Aaiq and others. It is directed by Zuhair Qanouh and Maher Salibi. The soldier and Ahmed Kessar.

The series takes place in Syria and the UAE between 2015 and 2016, about the lives of young people and families in the shadow of war.