Teller Report

"We do not participate in campaign meetings of the guarantor": at the headquarters of Zelensky clarified the time and place of debate with Poroshenko

4/15/2019, 6:15:26 AM

The headquarters of the presidential candidate of Ukraine, Vladimir Zelensky, said they were waiting for a debate with the current head of state, Petro Poroshenko, on April 19 at the Olympic Stadium, as previously agreed. On April 14, another event took place at the sports arena - Poroshenko, in the absence of his opponent, gave a speech, and then sang and danced on the stage. The team Zelensky stressed that they do not intend to participate in campaign rallies in support of Poroshenko.

Ukrainian presidential candidate, showman and head of the Servant of the People party, Vladimir Zelensky, intends to hold a debate with his opponent, the current head of state, Petro Poroshenko, on April 19 at the Olimpiysky stadium in Kiev. This was stated by the representative of the headquarters of the candidate Dmitry Razumkov.

“It was announced that we are waiting for Peter Alekseevich on April 19 at 19:00 at the Olympic. Let's hope that he still has the opportunity to come there. If not, then it seems to us that just Pyotr Alekseevich really wants to get away from this debate, ”Interfax-Ukraine quotes Razumkov’s words.

At the same time, the “debates” that took place on April 14, Razumkov called a rally in support of Poroshenko. The current president arrived at the stadium, although he knew that Zelensky would not appear at the Olympic.

“Today (April 14 - RT ) a campaign rally of Peter Alekseevich was held under the stadium. We do not participate in campaign rallies of the current guarantor of the Constitution, ”Razumkov said.

“The fact that there won't be Zelensky there today was known in advance. And it was for some reason Poroshenko’s desire to go there today. He accomplished what he wanted. But today we should not have debates, ”the representative of Zelensky’s staff stressed.

On April 21, Ukraine will host the second round of presidential elections. Zelensky and Poroshenko will take part in it. According to the results of the opinion poll of the Rating group, Zelensky is in the lead - 61% of Ukrainians are ready to vote for him, while Poroshenko is only 24%.

In the first round, Zelensky scored 30.24% of the vote, Poroshenko - 15.95%.

After the initiative of Zelensky, the candidates passed tests for alcohol and drugs - the current president at the medical center at Olimpiysky, and his opponent in a private clinic. The results showed that both candidates do not consume alcohol or prohibited substances.

Later, Zelensky explained that he didn’t go for tests at Olimpiysky, as he was warned about a possible provocation, which was being prepared against him.

“Someday, after all these elections, information will be spilled into the world, as someone was preparing a provocation against me at the Olympic NSC. I will not go there. Got such secret information. Now I am not ready to talk about it. See, when you find out the information, you will understand me, ”he said in an interview published on the“ Neutral ”YouTube channel.

At the same time, Zelensky admitted that this information could be a “bullshit”, and therefore he did not go to the police and did not press charges.

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"It was a certain day"

After the first round, Zelensky called Poroshenko to the debate at the Olympic 19 April. However, the current president on April 12 urged his opponent to “not hide” and “not to be afraid”, but to come to the stadium on April 14.

At Zelensky’s headquarters, it was repeatedly noted that the politician would not be able to come to the debate on that date, and insisted that the debate should be held on April 19, in accordance with the agreements between the candidates and the electoral legislation.

“In fact, Vladimir Alexandrovich clearly marked the date when the debate will take place, this is provided for by current legislation, this is the 19th number. And, in principle, Pyotr Alekseevich agreed to this. The day was determined, the time was clearly indicated - 19:00 on the 19th, ”Razumkov noted on April 13.

Nevertheless, Poroshenko arrived on April 14 at the Olympic. Since Zelensky was not, the debate did not take place - Poroshenko danced to the accompaniment of a rock band performing on stage, and then made a speech in which he spoke mainly about Ukraine’s aspirations to NATO and the EU, and criticized Zelensky for “refusing” to come to the debate.

Poroshenko said that gives his opponent 45 minutes to come to the stadium. When that time was up, the incumbent president held a press conference and sang the song “You’re fooled by me” (“You’ve fooled me”).

The SBU said that about 15 thousand people were present at the event. However, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine announced the figure three times lower - about 5 thousand people. According to RT sources in Kiev, state employees from other regions of the country brought in buses were among them.

After that, Poroshenko’s headquarters said that their candidate would not be able to attend the April 19 debates, as he would have to speak on Public Television, which is required by the electoral legislation of Ukraine.

"But since they are (debates. - RT ) are scheduled for a time when Poroshenko is legally required to be on Public Television, as a law-abiding citizen, Poroshenko will go to Public TV," Poroshenko’s headquarters said Oleg Medvedev.

The Zelensky team believes that the requirement to be present in a particular studio of Public TV is illegal, as it is not based on the election law, but on the decision of the CEC of Ukraine.

“This is already addressing the CEC resolution. But, with all due respect, the law is above such a decree. The law does not stipulate anywhere that the debate should take place in the studio of “Public” at such an address - this is a free interpretation of the law, as is often the case with representatives of the current political elites. When it is profitable - they try to adjust the law to fit their needs, ”said Razumkov.

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