Teller Report

"We did not adhere to a humanitarian pause": how are the battles for the Libyan capital

4/7/2019, 9:48:38 PM

Since April 6, the Libyan national army, led by Khalif Haftar, has launched an offensive against Tripoli, which is now in the hands of the government of national accord. In the army Huftar reported that the government counterattack Faiz Saraj was stopped. According to the Libyan Public Health Ministry, at least 21 people died as a result of the fighting, and another 27 were injured. It is reported that both sides use military aircraft. The UN has called for a temporary truce to evacuate the wounded and civilians from the capital, but the parties refused to cease fire.

The Libyan National Army (LNA), led by Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, continues to attack Tripoli. At the moment, the city is held by the forces of the international community recognized national consensus government (PNS), headed by Faiz Saraj.

Earlier, PNS launched a counterattack. The operation was called "The Volcano of Wrath." This was announced by the official representative of the Supreme Council of the PNS, Colonel Mohammed Kanuno.

“We have formed an operational headquarters, including units of the Armed Forces and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. We will not allow the creation of a military state and we will support the civil democratic path of development of Libya, ”he cites TASS.

However, an official representative of the LNS, Brigadier General Ahmed Al-Mismari, said that attempts by government units to launch a counterattack had been stopped.

“The armed groups failed to regain their positions in Tripoli by a counterattack,” he said. “Clashes are now taking place on the outskirts of the capital, and we continue to develop the offensive.”

At the same time, according to a military source RIA Novosti, both sides are using combat aircraft.

The Libyan Health Ministry said that as a result of the fighting between the LNA and PNS, 21 people were killed, another 27 were injured.

Recall, in addition to the recognized PNS, in the east of Libya there is a temporary cabinet of ministers Abdullah Abdurahman at-Thani. It is supported by LNA.

So, on April 4, Haftar declared that “oppressors” were located in Tripoli and declared that the army “had responded to the call of the people in the capital” and was going to release it.

“Today we will knock the land out from under the feet of the oppressors, who sowed evil and injustice in our country. The time has come, it is time to enter the capital, ”the statement said Haftar.

  • Reuters
  • © Esam Omran Al-Fetori

"In accordance with safety considerations"

Against this background, the United States decided to withdraw its military contingent from Libya in connection with the threat to their security. This was reported in the African Command of the United States Armed Forces (AFRICOM).

“The US contingent supporting AFRICOM has been temporarily withdrawn from Libya in accordance with security considerations. We will continue to monitor the situation on the ground and, if necessary, to assess the possibility of the resumption of the US military presence, ”the command says on Twitter.

Results in personnel relocation, agility emphasis -

- US AFRICOM (@USAfricaCommand) April 7, 2019

In addition, the UN mission demanded that the Libyan National Army (LNA) and the government units of the Government of National Accord (PNS) ensure a two-hour cease-fire in the Tripoli area to evacuate the victims. The corresponding statement was published by the United Nations Mission of Support in Libya.

“The UN support mission in Libya calls on all armed parties located in the Wadi al-Rabia, Qayih, Qasr Ven-Gashir and Aziziyah areas to observe the humanitarian truce between 4:00 and 6:00 (5:00 and 19:00 Moscow time - RT ) today to ensure the evacuation of the wounded and civilians by the emergency services, ambulance and Libyan Red Crescent personnel, ”the organization said on Twitter.

However, LNA and PNS did not comply with the cease-fire regime, Tripoli spokesman Osama Ali, an ambulance official for Tripoli, told RIA Novosti.

“The parties to the conflict did not adhere to the humanitarian pause requested by the UN,” he said.

"Playing with different figures, but with one hand"

The civil war in Libya, which began in 2011 and led to the overthrow of Mummar Gaddafi, did not actually stop, said Dmitry Solonnikov, director of the Institute of Contemporary State Development.

“Libya, like a sliced ​​cake, is controlled by different groups, which periodically crowd out each other. In this case, the situation does not change. Most of the groups, one way or another, are guided by the United States and the government on whose behalf Haftar acts. This is a game with different figures, but with the same hands, ”he told RT.

At the same time, even if PNS was defeated and LNA captured Tripoli, it would be impossible to talk about the final victory, Solonnikov added.

“Other territories of Libya are controlled by other groups that have their own armed forces. So it will simply increase the territory controlled by the eastern government. But this is not the final solution to the conflict and will not stop the confrontation. It’s just that Haftar will have more cards on his hands, ”said the expert.

Intervention of the international community will also not be able to change the course of the conflict, political scientist Alexander Asafov is convinced. In a conversation with RT, he noted that Haftar and the LNA had been preparing for this offensive for a long time.

“It is possible that the world community will somehow stop this business, but this seems unlikely to me. Haftar feels well in this sense, he prepared for a long time and decided to realize the full potential. I'm afraid the situation will evolve according to the scenario of a civil war. Because, if in eight years we have not found simple solutions through negotiations, they will not be found even now, ”the political scientist emphasized.

Thus, UN Secretary-General António Guterres, whose visit to Libya coincided with the escalation of the conflict, met with both the PNS and Hoftar. At the end of the visit, he noted that he was leaving the country "with a heavy heart."

“I leave Libya with a heavy heart and a feeling of deep concern. I still hope that the bloody confrontation in and around Tripoli can be avoided. The UN is committed to helping find a political solution and, no matter what happens, the UN is committed to supporting the Libyan people, ”he wrote on Twitter.

According to Al Hadath, Haftar told Guterres that he was not going to have a dialogue and was going to “release” Tripoli.

  • Khalif Haftar
  • AFP
  • © Abdullah DOMA

“There can be no military way to resolve the conflict”

On April 5, an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council was held in New York. According to the results of the meeting, a joint statement was adopted calling for Haftar to avoid a military solution to the conflict.

“The Security Council expressed concern about the military activity in Libya ... Members of the Security Council call on the troops of the national army to avoid a military clash. There can be no military way to resolve the conflict, ”said Christoph Heusgen, the Permanent Representative of Germany.

Russia in the Libyan conflict is cooperating with all political forces for the purpose of a peaceful settlement. This was stated by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

“We are in contact with all Libyan political forces and send them the same signals. Never tried, as they say, to bet on someone. I am convinced that this is the way to act in the present case, ”he said.

Lavrov stressed that the protracted state of crisis in Libya arose as a result of NATO intervention.

In addition, on April 6, Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia Mikhail Bogdanov held a telephone conversation with Haftar, during which he called for a political settlement of the conflict in Libya.

“On the Russian side, the principled position was confirmed in support of political methods for resolving all disputed issues in Libyan society and the mediation steps taken by the UN and the special representative of its Secretary General for Libya, Gassan Salame,” the Foreign Ministry said.