Teller Report

"The head can not be raised": the commander of the battalion Prilepin about the situation at the front, the reform of the DPR army and criticism on the Internet

1/27/2019, 9:31:12 PM

In the fall of 2018, the battalion of the DPR Army, named after the writer Zakhar Prilepin, was disbanded. He was able to recover thanks to the efforts of Commander Sergei Fomchenkov with the call sign "Fomich". In an interview with RT, the battalion commander spoke about the situation at the front, the military reform of the DPR, criticism on the Internet and the role of Prilepin in the creation and functioning of the unit.

- Let's start with the key question: why was the battalion disbanded?

- The special regiment where we entered was disbanded. And, accordingly, our fourth reconnaissance and assault battalion, too. The main reason is the military reform, according to which all units were transferred either to the Ministry of Internal Affairs or to the army corps, if desired. The regiment in the bulk became part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Our battalion had a special status, was allocated into a separate subordination to the head of the republic, being in fact an independent unit. And we decided to join the army corps.

- Why did not they, like the regiment, come under the authority of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

- The Interior Ministry has internal troops, their main function is to restore order within the republic. Yes, some of them are at war, but keeps only a small section of the front. The main task of protecting the borders is the army corps. Since from the very beginning people with combat experience came to us who wanted to fight, we decided to fight.

- Is the transition to the army corps already completed?

- The process is still ongoing. Part of our fighters entered the 9th Separate Marine Regiment. The process of registration is not fast, but the main thing - the battalion, in fact, is being reborn in a new place. Now the guys are on one of the most difficult parts of the front of the DPR - in the south.

- All the soldiers and officers decided to stay and continue their service in the new formation?

- In the summer in the ranks, we had 270 people. Most - the backbone - remained. But someone left. Reasons - did not wait for recovery. Or due to lack of money. The salary of an ordinary soldier today is 15-16 thousand rubles, and when on the front line - 19.5 thousand rubles. Three years ago, when the battalion was created, such money seemed acceptable, now there is none. Therefore, people just leave for work in Russia, they need to feed their families.

  • Sergey Fomchenkov
  • © Photo by Sergey Prudnikov

- How did the fighters perceive the disbandment of the battalion?

- Poorly. Everyone is accustomed to the current state of affairs. The team formed a truly human relationship, without drill and trooper. Well-established medical service.

The nurses and doctors were on duty in positions, always had time to assist in time, to take the wounded to the location, to perform the operation. For a half dozen of the "three hundredth" (wounded . - RT) for two years we have not a single "two hundredth" (killed . - RT ) and this is a merit, I think, precisely the medical profession.

- You say that your fighters are standing on one of the most dangerous sectors of the front. Where exactly?

- Mariupol direction. Its complexity is that, firstly, it is as far as possible from the center. Secondly, there are very few natural obstacles - almost bare steppe. Thirdly, in some areas the distance between the positions reaches 50-70 meters.

Plus, of course, the strategic component plays the role: for Ukraine it is extremely important to capture the Azov Sea, and also to cut off the DPR from the border with Russia. Not by chance, according to intelligence information of the republic, the Armed Forces of Ukraine in December planned an offensive precisely on the Mariupol and Komintern directions. Therefore, even at a time of relative calm on other sectors of the front, in the south the war never stopped.

- What is the situation in your positions?

- Our guys keep the height of the Bold - this is the highest point in the district, from which all the Azov Sea region from Mariupol to Novoazovsk is perfectly visible. The one who controls Daring controls the territory. The shelling of the heights by the Ukrainians continues unceasingly - from small arms, mortars, and artillery. At the same time, they are trying to take our positions in a ring, surrounding them with trenches and fortified dugouts. And the distance between the positions there, I will note, those 50 meters. That is, our fighters hear what they are talking about, and they hear our guys. Head can not be raised. The situation is complicated.

- The battalion before the abolition was attacked by the Internet public. One of the claims - a little war. What will you say about that?

- Compared with some parts - yes, less. But you need to take into account the specifics of the unit. Nevertheless, the fighters at various times stood under Gorlovka, in Kominternovo, near Sosnovka, in the area of ​​Dokuchaevsk. There were no complaints from the command. Those who are skeptical to us are welcome. Let us arrange in the state, and let them, having become commissioned, evaluate our work and test their own strength.

- Zakhar Prilepin played a key role in the organization of the battalion?

- Yes of course. Moreover, this was done in that difficult period, when many defenders of Donbass were disappointed in what they were doing. It became clear that we were not going to Kiev. We seemed to stumble out of the blue! It was at that moment that Prilepin initiated the creation of a battalion. For many fighters, such words of support meant a lot.

At the same time, of course, he came here not for money, and not for PR, as some believe, on the contrary - he lost many positions here. Alexander Zakharchenko gave him a platform for the project. The battalion was created. Now Zakhar, despite the fact that he returned to Russia, still continues to support him.

- After the death of Alexander Zakharchenko, many of those who were tied specifically to him left the republic. Did you have a thought to return to your homeland?

- No, I still feel in demand here. Even in spite of difficult moments. Moreover, life in Donetsk is not standing, but some kind of living is more alive than in Russia. Yes, I understood all the risks involved in killing a chapter. But I'm not going to leave.