Teller Report

"Methods of old school": in Tolyatti, a biology teacher struck a student during a lesson

1/17/2019, 5:25:00 PM

The scandal broke out in one of the Togliatti schools after fifth-grade students posted a video on the Internet, in which the teacher gave a few slaps to their classmate. The teacher was dismissed from work, the local prosecutor's office and the regional Investigation Committee were engaged in checking the incident. In social networks, they claim that this is allegedly not the first case of the use of force by a teacher, but earlier the institution’s management did not respond to such incidents. School staff did not comment on the situation RT.

Law enforcement officers are checking in connection with the publication in the network of a video of a fifth-grader beating by a biology teacher of school No. 93 in the city of Tolyatti, Samara region. The video shows how, during the lesson, the elderly teacher suddenly interrupts the lesson and approaches the girl who is sitting at the first grade. She slaps the girl, then throws off her school supplies from the table, and then tries again to hit the child in the face. The girl tries to resist, but the teacher literally grabs her on the breast.

“Are you crazy?” Shouts the girl.

“I am - yes, and you are not. Therefore, I want you to behave like a girl student, ”the teacher answers.

The recording director was Valentina Yakutina, deputy director for educational work. She teaches biology and oversees issues related to student learning, timetables, the exam and GIA.

From the data on the official website of School No. 93, it follows that the total teaching experience of Yakutina is 42 years.

As RT found out, at first the video was distributed only among other pupils of school No. 93, but soon it caught the eye of the parents, and then it spread over the network. As a result, a scandal broke out in which the prosecutor's office became interested.

“The Prosecutor’s Office of the Avtozavodsky district of Togliatti is checking publications posted on the Internet about violence by the deputy director of the MBU“ School No. 93 ”against a 5th grade student,” said RT Assistant Prosecutor for Media Relations of the Samara Region Uliana Kudinova. —On the basis of this information, the district prosecutor’s office organized an on-site inspection with the involvement of police officers. Currently, all the circumstances of the incident are being investigated. ”

The Investigative Committee also joined the case. He intends to check not only the actions of the teacher, but also her leadership.

“On this fact, the investigative department for the Avtozavodsky district of the city of Tolyatti of the Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in the Samara region has begun a pre-trial investigation, within which a legal assessment will be given not only to the teacher’s actions, but also to the school’s management, as well as to the actions of officials juvenile delinquency, ”said RT in the UK.

The teacher herself has already been suspended from work until the end of the test.

Representatives of School No. 93, including the director of the institution, Alexander Rodionov, refrained from commenting. But later, the situation was commented on by the mother of the girl who was injured by the teacher.

“My daughter told me herself. With the teacher did not have time to talk, so quickly laid out in the network. Neither she had a chance to talk with me, nor I with her. I only saw her at the parents ’meeting, they didn’t call me to school,” said the girl’s mother in an interview with journalists.

In the meantime, a heated discussion took place in the group “Overheard in 93 schools” in the social network “Vkontakte”. The originally published video of the incident was removed, as some students and parents felt that the case should not spoil the reputation of the school.

“Now all channels will show it and throw mud at one of the best schools in the city! - Writes one of the school students. - It was possible to transfer it to parents, principal, head teachers and understand inside the school. And, if they did not solve the problem, then merge the video in the media. ”

However, those who insist on a public hearing, turned out to be much more. They point out that such a case is not the first in the history of the school.

“This teacher has been working at the school for a long time, which means we are familiar with his teaching methods,” writes one of the users. And they, alas, have not changed. This is not the first such case - there are many witnesses. We don’t want us and our future generation to continue bringing up old, Soviet-style hardening methods. ”