Teller Report

"Great national debate": the tax lesson of the Ministry of Economy

1/17/2019, 4:13:05 PM

O & ugrave; are the imp & ocirc; ts & nbsp; That is the question; which meets the Ministry of the Economy in a note on taxation. and public expenses. By this published document on the website di ...

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On the site of the "Great National Debate" put online on January 15, the Ministry of Economy publishes a note on taxation and public spending. (photo illustration) AFP PHOTO / PHILIPPE HUGUEN

Where are the taxes going? This is the question answered by the Ministry of Economy in a note on taxation and public spending. By this document published on the site dedicated to the "Great national debate" and supposed to contribute to it, the government tries to make tax pedagogy with the French.

In the document published on the site of the " Great National Debate " , the Ministry of Economy recalls that France has the highest level of public expenditure of developed countries, or 56.5% of GDP. For clarity, public spending is presented on a budget of 1,000 euros.

Thus, pensions are the heaviest item: 268 euros. Then come health insurance, family allowances, unemployment, housing assistance and other bonuses. In total, social protection accounts for more than half of the budget, or 575 euros.

The remainder is intended for sectoral expenditure, such as tax credits allocated to businesses, but also money for roads, transport and community facilities. In the same box, we find the operation of museums, the management of water and waste, as well as public lighting.

The royal public services, including defense, security and justice, come third. Education, research and public administration are at the bottom of the pack. The ministry reminds that despite the high level of compulsory levies, France has been in deficit for more than 30 years. Which means that the administration spends more than it receives.

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