More than 100 Indian workers who work in an iPhone manufacturing plant ransacked their company's site on Monday near Bangalore.

They were protesting against months of unpaid wages.

Apple's subcontractor Wistron Corp reported more than four million euros in damage. 

It is a revolt of the employees of an iPhone factory, the famous Apple phone, which currently occupies the Indian press.

Thousands of employees ransacked the site of the subcontractor Wistron Corp on Monday in Kolar, 50km from Bangalore, in the south of the country.

These workers were protesting against months of unpaid wages.

According to the daily


, the employees, some armed with sticks, broke "windows, surveillance cameras, ransacked offices, overturned six cars and set fire to two company transport vehicles". 

160 employees arrested

The economic toll of this eruption of anger is high: up to four million euros in damage.

An unwelcome incident that politicians seek to put into perspective, while India wants to compete with China.

So 160 people were arrested on Tuesday, according to 

The Indian Express


This English-speaking Indian daily also says that the insurance should reimburse the Taiwanese subcontractor.

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India, the new El Dorado for industrialists

But if India is a dream destination for industrialists seeking to leave China, "workers' rights must be respected there," recalls

 The Print



"India is a democratic country with unions," adds this left-wing media.

Apple has announced that it is launching an investigation into employee claims.