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Nicolas Maduro (illustration image) in front of his supporters in Caracas: "Venezuela asks for support and accompaniment in a great dialogue of peace and understanding". Miraflores Palace / Handout via REUTERS

In Venezuela, the balance of power is still playing out on the streets yesterday, Saturday, April 6, supporters of Nicolas Maduro demonstrated in the streets of Caracas, as well as Venezuelans in support of opposition leader Juan Guaido, who is self-appointed interim president. Juan Guaido said he wants to launch the " definitive phase " against Nicolas Maduro, announcing a series of new protests for the coming days and weeks to oust the incumbent president. For his part, Nicolas Maduro reiterated his call for external mediation.

In January 2019, Mexico and Uruguay were already proposing a dialogue between President Nicolas Maduro and self-proclaimed interim President Juan Guaido. The latter had refused to put in place what he then considered as a " false dialogue " allowing Nicolas Maduro to save time.

Yesterday, at the demonstration in Caracas, in front of thousands of Venezuelans, President Maduro, reiterated his request for aid to mediation by countries managed by leftist leaders, whom he considers his allies: a call to the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador, I appeal to the President of Uruguay, Dr. Tabaré Vasquez, I appeal to the President of Bolivia, Evo Morales and I also appeal to the Prime Ministers and Presidents of the fourteen members of the Caribbean Community, Caricom, to resume the initiative of dialogue that was decided in Montevideo two months ago. Venezuela calls for support and accompaniment in a major dialogue of peace and understanding between Venezuelans and Venezuelans. "

The countries concerned by this call, which had not worked in January 2019, have not yet responded. But recently, AMLO, the Mexican president, felt that mediating conflicts was not the role of Mexico but of the UN.