The former Brexit herald on Tuesday urged negotiations to stop on the basis of the Prime Minister's plan. At the party's annual convention in Birmingham, he carried a heavy burden on the European Union and the way the current government negotiates. A way of positioning oneself as the natural leader of the party against Labor.

In an inimitable style of mountebank, Boris Johnson began his speech Tuesday at the Birmingham Congress to the cheers of a room full of supporters. He has heavily criticized the Labor leader, Jeremy Corbyn, while calling for an end to Theresa May's strategy on the Brexit negotiations.

In front of an acquired room, he began an attack on Minister Philip Hammond, thanking him for predicting that he would never become prime minister. "This is the first time that the Treasury has a forecast that is right," he quipped under the laughter of the crowd. More seriously, he fears that "for the first time in 200 years, this party could lose confidence in freedom," wishing that his party "regain control of sovereignty . "

@ BorisJohnson is concerned that the @Conservatives have suffered from "seeping away" of its "fundamental belief in freedom". Must regain "confidence in our country". # CPC18

- ConservativeHome (@ConHome) October 2, 2018

A speech based on global free trade

In the first part of his speech, he led the charge against Jeremy Corbyn's Labor, calling on the Conservatives not to "let them approach the government of this country . " Although he regrets that "no banker went to jail with the 2008 spit , " he called on party members not to yield to the sirens of "state control . "

@ BorisJohnson calls for a return of "systematic stop-and-search". # CPC18

- ConservativeHome (@ConHome) October 2, 2018

Developing a very liberal speech, he recalled that much of the British economy was focused on other continents than Europe. He regretted that his predecessors at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have not been for 25 years in Argentina or Chile. "It was because our strategy was directed towards the European Union. This is no longer logical today when 95% of growth resides outside the European Union, " he said.

"It's time to stop the Checkers plan"

Boris Johnson has again called for dismissal of the Checkers plan carried by Prime Minister Theresa May. "This would mean that the entire UK economy would be constantly forced to comply with regulations that were specifically designed, at the request of their foreign competitors, to eliminate them," he said.

To prove his point, he repeated several intox from the most anti-European British press: the EU wanted to prohibit according to him "the sale of eggs by the dozen, prohibiting diabetics to drive, prohibiting vapers ..." Denouncing "outrage," he says "it's not what we voted for" .

For all these reasons, "it's time to stop the Checkers plan ," he said to the room's applause. Instead, the former mayor of London exposed his counter-proposal: a "super-free trade agreement" , copied from the one signed between the EU and Canada (CETA). According to him, the United Kingdom could be a winner and "that's why the Europeans want to stop us" .

Arm wrestling with Theresa May

Former British Foreign Minister Boris Johnson has positioned himself as a challenger to Conservative Prime Minister Theresa May. Anxious to divert the media attention from this stirring rival, the leader opened fire first, inviting herself on early morning radio and television to announce a change in the UK's migration policy after Brexit.

Boris Johnson put the pressure on the executive with the "Checkers plan" as a red line: "I urge to support Theresa May in the best possible way, by supporting her initial plan ," he said.

The former minister resigned in July to protest the strategy announced by Theresa May, which plans to maintain a close trade relationship with the European Union after Brexit by maintaining common rules. A plan that the supporter of a clean break with Brussels called "crazy" and "absurd" .